How did I prepare for my study abroad to Korea? What was the process like? What tips to consider?

Welcome to my first blog post. I will talk about my experience with the Manoa International Exchange (MIX) program at University of Hawaii at Manoa. As well as how to prepare, accept, and begin your study abroad journey!
“Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing." - Wernher von Braun (1912-1977)
In the Shidler College of Business, the mission is "International Excellence", which is striving to become a global leader. I was inspired to join the International Business Organization (IBO). Through my membership, I attended much global analysis workshop (GAW) presentations, where scholars talk about their study abroad experiences. It is one of the many ways to research where and what you want to study abroad.
Here are some questions to ask yourself:
Do you want a chaperone or independent experience?
Can I afford to go? How can I fund my trip?
Will my credits transfer? What classes are available? How will it affect my graduation plans?
Which country to study abroad in? How is the weather? What is the main languages?
What can I gain from this program? How will I apply it to my future?
Application Process
When you finish researching where and what you would like to study, you should keep these next steps in mind!
Choose which office to apply for
Study Abroad Center (SAC) or Manoa International Exchange (MIX)
Application Materials & Deadlines
SAC deadlines: Summer (February), Fall (April), and Spring (October)
Requirements: Application, Study Statement, 2-3 academic references, and Fees
MIX deadlines: Summer, Fall, & Year (December) + Spring (May)
Requirements: Application, 1 LOR, and Fees
Acceptance / Nomination
SAC will notify students on acceptance with many paperwork to sign, a $500 nonrefundable check, and mandatory predeparture meetings.
MIX will notify students with a Nomination & Next Steps email
After being nominated, continue to complete the host university's application (also known as "Secondary Application."
Acceptance to Ewha
“A Creative and Innovative Platform Leading to a Sustainable Society." - Ewha Vision 2030+
After a month or two of waiting, I was accepted to my host university! I proceeded to complete the additional requirements to secure my spot.
MIX Outbound Office
Pre-Departure Orientation (PDO) Online Course
Attend assigned PDO sessions
Apply for Visa and Health Insurance
Complete additional forms (learning agreement, course approval, health clearance, etc)
When you are ready, purchase your flight tickets and quarantine stay if needed
Ewha Womans University
Receive Admission Packet (includes documents necessary for Visa)
Complete "Checklist" (Information on fight, insurance, and visa)
Apply for D-2 Visa (required files: application form, passport, passport sized photo, certificate of admission, certificate of Ewha business registration, certificate of bank balance, sealed official transcript, and $45 fee)
Check Dormitory Placement (if you did not get dorming, apply for the waitlist or look for alternatives)
If you are dorming, a Tuberculosis Test (TB) is mandatory to take
Keep the course registration date in mind and what you plan to take (check the course approval list or petition for credits)
Once you are set to leave, you should make at least 3 copies of all important documents (passport, visa, quarantine, pcr/covid test, etc), exchange money, create a budget, and pack wisely. In most international flights, you are allowed 2 checked in baggages and 1 carry-on plus a personal item. Here is the link to my favorite packing list to help you bring what is necessary for a semester-long or any trip you might take. Lastly, remember to study hard and have fun while doing so.