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Freedom At Last - Week 3

Breaking out of Prison x2 (Twice) LITERALLY :(

painting brushes

Me in front of my dormitory room, taking selfie since I didn't know how to use the key passcode ^_^

Dormitory Check-In

“Instead of Dorm Sweet Dorm, it was Dorm NOT SO SWEET Dorm" - JB

^ POV: After FINALLY finishing up the dormitory checking-in process, I used the elevator to get to my room ^

When submitting my initial application, I applied for a double dorm room to share with a roommate. Not only to save costs but to get the full experience of living with someone who will hopefully become your friend. However, in July 2021, the university announced that all rooms will be single occupancy with no exceptions due to COVID-19. At first, I was a little disappointed but was accepting of the situation since I did have the whole room to myself. The room had two beds, two desks, two closets, a shared shoe closet, and a shared bathroom. On each floor, there is a shared kitchen, a mailbox with your room number, a locked / communal bathroom if your room did not have a shower, and the other facilities like laundry and computer rooms were on the basement floor (B2). If you ever had any problems or concerns, you could visit the I-House Office during operating hours (Weekdays 9 am - 10 pm and Weekends 2-5 pm).

As mentioned before, I quarantined from August 10 to 24 to make it in time for the dormitory check-in on August 25, 2021, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. I did finish quarantine a day earlier so I chose to stay at the hotel for an extra night as I had no place to go. You can consider an Airbnb but I had a lot of luggage and did not want to deal with the hassle of more taxis as it only takes 10 minutes to get to my school.

Anyways, on check-in day, you were required to bring a copy of a TB test issued after July 25, your second PCR after quarantine, passport, and flight ticket. If you do not have everything printed out, there is a computer room on the B2 floor that only accepts credit cards and charges you 200-400 Korean won per page. Once you prepare all these documents, you need to fill out the forms such as the agreement. In the end, the student staff will talk to about the demerit system as well as gives your building key, dorm rule book, bedsheets, and pillow.

P.S. International students are housed in I-House's building A-D. While regular students are housed in E-House and Hanwoori House on the opposite end.

Shared Kitchen

Mail Box

Laundry Room

Laundry Room

Orientation Day (ONLINE)

Sadly, the welcoming ceremony and orientation were conducted online through Zoom from 11:00 - 11:40 am. The meeting felt very formal and had a lack of connection since it was a pre-recorded video. There was a welcome speech from the president, rules about the university, and information on mandatory processes like national health insurance / ARC. In brief, the meeting time was precise and you were not allowed to ask questions until 2:00 - 2:40 pm. It ended on the time indicated and were not asked to leave once finished.

I would say that it was unreasonable to stop the Q&A session once it reached 2:40 pm since more students wanted to ask questions. But be mindful of the strictness when they state meeting times :(

^ How Orientation Looked Like ^

Student Packet Pick-Up

After check-in day, the university sent an announcement on the "Communication Channel" about the Student Packet distribution dates.

"Please find the general information below: 1. Date of distribution: August 27 (Fri) ~ September 1 (Wed) 2. Time: 10:30 – 12:00, 13:30-16:30 3. Place: ECC B337 (find the attached map) 4. What to bring: Signed Consent Form (find the attached file)"

At the Office of International Affairs, we received a free light blue tote bag that contained our student ID card, pamphlets, studentship certificate, a pen, and folders. It was a nice welcome gift for students so we could use some forms for the Shinhan Bank on campus and the ARC application as well.

Shinhan Bank Account

"To become a No. 1 bank that creates a new future and is loved by all.” - Shinhan Way | Shinhan Bank

On campus, the school partnership with Shinhan Bank, where students can easily make an account. The application was one of the forms in the student packets and was a little confusing to fill out. The bank staff can help out if you aren't sure how to fill out a section but it was nice to have fellow peers around to ask. Remember to bring your passport and a copy of it if possible.

***Keep in mind, it is optional if you want to make a bank account.***

I personally made one because I don't want to get charged foreign transaction fees on my Hawaii cards. This really does depend on what debit or credit cards you brought, so be decisive on how you plan to spend money.

Questions to Ask:

  • Should I exchange some cash beforehand?

  • What is the currency rate? (Constantly changes)

  • Does the card company have any foreign transaction fees?

  • How many money/cards do I bring overseas?

  • Do I have enough to afford my stay?

^ Located in Ewha's ECC, this is how the Shinhan Bank Entrance looks like ^

Alien Registration Card (ARC)

ARC stands for Alien Registration Card, which is an identity card that every foreigner must complete if they stay more than 90 days.

Due to COVID-19, you must scan your QR code or write down your information (date, time, city you live in, and phone number) every time you enter somewhere. You can only get a QR code if you have an ARC, which is a hassle for those who do not have one. For example, a resident can simply scan their code from their devices while I have to write down my details on paper each time.

Depending on your university, they may or may not hold an ARC application period. This is where you provide all the documents you would have done at the nearby immigration office and they process it for you.

Required Documents include:

  • Application Form

  • Face Photo

  • Proof of Residence

  • Passport Copy

  • Certificate of Studentship (included inside the Student Packet)

  • Fee: 30,000 KRW (cash ONLY)

As of now (September 2021), I am waiting for my forms to be approved and get my card ASAP.



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